Quotes RFPs and Tenders
Open Tenders, Requests for Proposal, and Requests for Quotation
RFQ CH 2025-2 |
The Municipality of Central Huron is requesting bids for RFQ CH 2025-2 - Maintenance Gravel - Load, Haul & Spread and Crush & Stockpile and Screen Sand and Stockpile. To request being placed on the plan takers list and receive an electronic tender package, contact: istonge@centralhuron.com
All bids will be accepted in-person until 2:00 pm local time on Wednesday February 19, 2025. |
Gerrits Municipal Drain - Branch G |
The Municipality of Central Huron is requesting bids for the Gerrits Municipal Drain - Branch G tender. To request being placed on the plan takers list and receive an electronic tender package, contact: drains@centralhuron.com. All bids will be accepted in-person until 10:00 am local time on Wednesday February 26, 2025. |
2025 Tender Results
None available at this time.