
The Municipality of Central Huron strives to make our community safe, healthy and enjoyable for everyone. By-Laws are created as a way to address issues and concerns of the community. They are created to protect the environment, public health, safety and to maintain a pleasant community for everyone.


A complete list of By-Laws is accessible through our iCompass Portal.

 Frequently Requested By-Laws

By-Law Enforcement

Under the direction of the Clerk's Department, the By-Law Enforcement Officer enforces Municipal By-Laws in a manner that protects the general public and ensures the Municipality remains a pleasant place and attractive community to reside in, conduct business in and visit. The By-Law Enforcement Officer investigates concerns such as noise complaints, property standards issues, littering/dumping, fences, portable signs and other matters concerning the Municipality of Central Huron By-Laws.

By-Law enforcement operates on a complaint basis by following the By-Law complaint process. When a complaint is received, it is investigated and appropriate action(s) are taken.

To Make a Complaint:

The Municipality of Central Huron is utilizing the Cloudpermit By-Law complaint system. Complaints can also be received in-person at the municipal office (23 Albert St., Clinton, ON, Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM). 

Submit a complaint via the Cloudpermit portal

By submitting a complaint, the complainant agrees that the statement of complaint is true and for no improper or vexatious purpose and that, if required, will provide or present evidence in support of the complaint at any hearings of Appeals Committee or Court of Law in Ontario. 

Once a complaint is submitted, you will not be contacted unless additional information is required or if it is a complaint that the Municipality cannot resolve. Please note that the Municipality of Central Huron makes every effort to assure privacy of the complainant and complainant information is considered confidential and will not be released to the person whose property is under complaint, however, you may be required to present evidence in the supports of a submitted complaint at any hearings of Appeals Committee or Court of Law in Ontario. 

All complaints will be received graciously, investigated, and acted upon fairly. Please note that the volume of complaints does not affect the expedition of investigation. Central Huron does not have the resources to address By-Law Enforcement complaints immediately, however, all concerns and complaints are normally reviewed and investigated within one (1) week of reception.