Public Meeting Notice - G2G Trail Tunnel Construction

County Road 25 (Blyth Road) 

G2G Rail Trail Tunnel Construction

Public Meeting Notice

The G2G Rail Trail, with support from Huron County, is planning to restore a tunnel under County Road 25, west of Blyth to improve the safety and accessibility of our trail. 

A Pubic Meeting is planning so that project details including timelines and traffic impacts can be provided along with further details related to the extent of construction. Representatives from the G2G Rail Trail Group, the County, and the project engineering team (BM ROSS) will be in attendance. 

Date: Thursday March 21, 2024

Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM (Presentation at 6:00 PM) 

Location: Blyth Arena Hall - (377 Gypsy Ln, Blyth, ON)

Residents and interested parties are welcome to submit comments and questions during and following the meeting. 

Imran Khalid - Director of Public Works, Huron County 

519-524-8394 x 3504

Map of proposed G2G Rail Trail