Facade Grant

The 2024 Facade Grant Application is closed. The applications will be considered by Central Huron Council on May 6, 2024. Following this meeting, all applicants will be notified of the status of their application.

The Façade Grant Program includes façade improvements for properties in Central Huron that are assessed as Commercial. The Municipality has set aside funds to help assist property owners in the expansion or improvement of the building façade or signage. The goal of the program is to enhance the appearance of commercial businesses and by doing so refresh the sense of pride within the community. 

To qualify

The structure for the proposed enhancement must be within Central Huron and must be designated as Commercial in the Central Huron Official Plan. The proposed façade improvement must meet the specific property criteria outlined in the Façade Improvement Program Guidelines, and its purpose is to improve and enhance the 'cosmetic' appeal of the structure from a streetscape viewpoint. The application must be completed in its entirety and must receive approval prior to the completion of the works. It is understood that the applicant will be reimbursed the grant amount following the completion of the works and submission of all project receipts. Before you submit an application, please ensure you have read the policy and procedures.

Façade Grant Policy 

2024 Application

Applications for funding should include:

  • Description of the project
  • Timeline for completion of the work
  • Budget for proposed project
  • Visual representation of the proposed project
  • Supporting information, as appropriate amount of funding requested, specifying whether a cash or in-kind donation is required.

Approval of the applications will depend on fund availability. Applications will be processed until our funds last, therefore there is no guarantee that your application will be approved. The Municipality reserves the right to fund projects as deemed appropriate. 

If you have questions, they can be directed to the undersigned at 519-482-3997 or email facadegrant@centralhuron.com.

Applications clearly marked Central Huron Façade Grant are to be received via email or hard copy no later than Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 4:30p.m.

Applications are to be addressed as follows:

Clerk's Department
Municipality of Central Huron
23 Albert Street
Clinton, Ontario N0M 1L0